Tuesday, November 26, 2019


BackupAssist Restore console can now be launched from within the Centralized administration console. Restore Log Files We now offer a restore log file that contains a list of all files processed during a restore and the result for each file. Not sure if your Upgrade Protection is up to date? We are extremely pleased with the results: Monitor backup jobs remotely in real-time Backup reports Hyper-V configuration reporting View the duration of the last backup on each machine View the status of all backup jobs on a remote machine. This means that the same backup you use to protect your Exchange Server can be used to restore individual mail items. To learn more, see the System Recovery guide 7. backupassist v7

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Backupsasist new hyperlink on Exchange backup screen Don't have scrolling in the title page of Welcome Screen.

CentralAdmin Fix incorrect report link in job monitor Ensure licensing information is accurate to within 1 minute when refreshed.

BackupAssist v7 Installation QuickStart Guide | BackupAssist

To ensure a complete backupwssist, it is important that the installation of the VHD driver is accepted. We now have a recovery options section in the System Protection backup reports. Show it upon attempts to backup Exchange The format of the URI could not be determined" experienced by some installations Installer Fix MSI installer to use request privileges when necessary, rather than requiring execution from an elevated command prompt.

TrueCrypt Bsckupassist potential download error "Remote name could not be resolved: Restore Console Handle exception when backup is not accessible New option enabling creation of a restore log file containing a list of all files processed during a restore and the result for each file.

If you select Yesyou will be presented with the BackupAssist migration screen. The next screen will ask if you would like to perform a Typical installation or a Custom installation.

backupassist v7

Data container as a backup destination System protection backups can now be made to a Data container, except for iSCSI destinations. If you would like to install BackupAssist to a location different to the one shown, use the Change button and browse to the required location backupassiwt then select OK.

The new BackupAssist back up wizard has easy to follow step-by-step instructions to simplify the creation of backup jobs.

backupassist v7

NET Framework v4 is not already installed on backkpassist destination machine, it will be downloaded and installed as part of the BackupAssist installation process. BackupAssist makes data protection simple by performing automatic, scheduled backups of Microsoft Windows Servers and Workstations.

Multisite Manager Features Download Purchase.

Backup Restore Recover Remote Settings. Version 7 introduces the BackupAssist Central Administration console. Third Party Backup Storage. Update to latest version of JavaScript framework Add new "Comments" field for free text against each machine being monitored Fixed problem preventing BACA from see the new name when the remote computer name changes Fix bug causing duplicate entries to show in the machines list after some edits.

Zip Fix backup file naming in Zip and legacy system protection backups.

NEW RELEASE: BackupAssist v7.0.2

A brand new and re-designed User Interface that makes backup and disaster recovery simple, reliable and fast. To ensure a complete install, it is important that the installation of this driver is accepted.

The big costs of data loss on SMBs. We've taken some time serious time to think about and then overhaul our support section. backupassst

BackupAssist - Register as BackupAssist v7 beta tester

Restore log file that contains a list of all files processed during a restore and the result for each file. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. A new web console so you can hackupassist start, stop, enable, disable and edit backup jobs. If settings and backup jobs from an earlier version of BackupAssist are detected, the "Settings from an old version of BackupAssist" message will be displayed. You will need to install BackupAssist using an account with the required permissions to that computer. The interface in v7 is all about white space, big blocks and primary colors and our new website reflects and continues these.

If you selected Download from the New Installation backupassis, you will be taken to the trial registration page. Calendar only shows rotations when scheduled, not every day. The backup media can be used to boot into a RecoverAssist recovery environment and recover the server, without a separate boot disk. This means the same backup you use to protect your Exchange Server can be used to restore individual mail items.

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